Monday, February 2, 2009

Good Times


djwillden said...

I'm so excited we are able to keep in contact now. Your family is so adorable. It's so crazy to see friends grow from the children to the parent. Oh and I understand the freezing thing. We were just away a week and then we get back to Missouri and the ice storm comes a few weeks later, so fun. That is so funny your little one dropped the phone down the toilet. Chris looks like he doesn't think it's so funny.

cheeriBABY said...

Bri you have some dang cute kids! I hope we end up out there somewhere by you guys!

Bon said...

I hope it is ok I bop on over to your blog from time to time....(better yet, I think I will just add you, if you don't mind?) I laughed so hard at the cell phone story. You have such a beautiful family!
