Wednesday, March 26, 2008


We were headed to our house the other day and this moose was in a yard eating off a stack of hay the kids started yelling so loud I thought something was wrong. Mom stop the car stop stop.So I turned the car around and we had the camera so we snapped a few pictures this was almost in town!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

We can't wait!

We are just a few weeks away from moving into our new house Chris has been busy laying tile and hardwood and I am so sick of painting I never want to see another paint brush or roller ever again! We haven't put the rock on the bottom yet we are waiting for the weather to warm up so we don't have to heat the outside!anyway here is our new house!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Brylei's dance

Brylei went to her first dance performance this morning! Funny story when we got her costume from her teacher I was very dissapointed to see that it came just above her chest and there were no sleeves, so wanting her to be modest I stayed up late last night sewing on some wide silky ribbon for sleeves I was so proud of my self because it looked so cute but a little anxious to see what the teacher said this morning. When we got to the school this morning they did a practice and then we all went to the dressing room to help them into there costumes I was getting ready to put Brylei's on her when I looked around and noticed everyone elses costumes, then I started to panick I had been trying it on her upside down and sideways so what I had thought were strings to tie around her waist were actually to go around her neck making it a lot more modest then I had thought. I quickly ran out to Chris and had him use his strength to tear off the sleeves that I had so carefully sewn to the bottom of her costume. And quickly returned it to her without anyone knowing how UNCLEVER I was. Welcome to the world of dance