Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yeah its Summer

So we started off the Summer with a camping trip on memorial weekend we luck out and have exclusive access to the ski hill so we made a little spot up on the hill by one of the lifts. The kids had a great time Treagan loved the fire and the marshmallows not the smores he didn't care for the chocolate and the graham crackers. the kids hiked up and down the hill, we got rained on three or four times and then we took the filthy children home and they turned the bath water black it was great!


Bunnell's said...

okay are wearing jackets...summer here requires no jackets:) MOVE HERE!

LOVE YOU GUYS and miss you so much

cheeriBABY said...

Looks like lots of fun. The kids are looking so grown up. Especially Bryhton. He's a little hottie.